NatAlliance maintains a clearing arrangement with Hilltop Securities, Inc. for clearing fixed income, institutional equity business, and retail equity trades.
Disclosure of SEC-Required Order Execution Information: Rule 606A1 – Held Compliance Report
Pursuant to SEC Rule 607, NatAlliance Securities LLC (NAS) is required to disclose its payment for Order Flow practices. NAS sends certain equity orders to exchanges, electronic communication networks, or broker / dealers during normal business hours and during extended trading sessions. Those market centers do not provide payments to NAS for order flow. NAS does receive rebates and/or receives charges based on providing or taking liquidity, which is a passthrough from various exchanges. In addition, NAS will not and does not execute equity orders as principal. NAS does not receive payments for directing listed options order flow to certain option exchanges. This disclosure only applies to orders directed to NAS by your firm.